About Us

Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Hello! We are a team of volunteers for the University of Leeds. This summer we'll be embarking on a project in Tonle Bati, Cambodia, spending two months in rural Cambodia, volunteering at the Seametrey Bilingual and Residential School, the first of its kind in Cambodia. The trip is the first international volunteering project the University has carried out. We'll be using this blog to follow the trials and tribulations of the coming months, and to give you a taste of our Cambodian experience. If you want to volunteer with the University, visit the new volunteering hub at http://volunteering.leeds.ac.uk, We'd also like to thank all of our supporters; we'd encourage you to take a moment to give them a look by clicking on their logos to the right of this page. Thank you to Santander Universities, TD Travel Group, the University of Leeds and Leeds for Life, who has all offered valuable financial and professional support to this fantastic project. The views expressed in this blog post are not necessarily that of the University of Leeds or the project's supporters, they are the views of the Leeds-Cambodia team.

Sunday, 30 June 2013

Aaaaaannnnddd they're off!

The team safely through check-in and security awaiting their flight to Phnom Penh!

Safely through security, and now just 23 hours worth of flights, 2 stop-offs, and tuk-tuk ride away from arriving at their destination! Thanks to TD Travel Group for helping us plan the journey and for kindly waiving the administration fees in the name of a good cause, and thanks to all the volunteers' parents for shepherding them to London Heathrow!

Our volunteers will arrive late on Monday night (about 2am our time), where Sophie will greet them at the airport, from there the project begins, and the impressive array of in-flight entertainment ends.

Volunteer Profile: Harriet Jackson

Name: Harriet Jackson
Degree Programme: English Language and Literature
Year of Study: Final Year
Hometown: Abergavenny

1. So, what made you apply for the Cambodia trip?

I’ve just finished my degree course and had been looking for something like this for quite a while. When I heard about this through a friend it just seemed like too good an opportunity to pass up!

2. Have you ever done anything like this before?

Not even a little bit. This is such a new experience for me, which makes it both more nerve-racking and more exciting.

3. What's the one thing you’re looking forward to the most?

The culture! I’ve not spent a lot of time outside Europe and I’m so excited to learn more about Cambodian people and their way of life. Also the food. Always the food.

4. Is there anything you're worried about? Anything you're dreading?

Getting a bit carried away by the whole thing and having to ring up my parents to tell them I have decided to move to Cambodia…

What will you and your team do on a day-to-day basis?

I’m in the ‘sports and games hub’, but truth be told I have the hand-eye coordination of a three year old child and all the speed of a sloth. So I’m really hoping to be mostly involved in the games part of the things and spend a lot of my time playing hide and seek and stuck in the mud. I’m trying to think of games which incorporate some English language learning too!

6. Tell us a fun fact about yourself

I have an unusually large head 

7. What's the one thing about the UK you'll miss the most whilst you're out there?

Probably cheddar cheese

Friday, 28 June 2013

Volunteer Profile: Kathryn Dowell

Name: Kathryn Dowell
Degree Programme: Music
Year of Study: First Year
Hometown: Hinckley

1. So, what made you apply for the Cambodia trip?

It’s a great opportunity to travel and see the parts of the world which I might not get the chance to go to again with a fantastic group of people. There is so much to learn about the culture and I’m excited to get involved with learning the language. I’m really excited about sharing my skills with the children at the school and hopefully getting them enthused about music and learning!

2. Have you ever done anything like this before?

I spent two weeks in Cuernavaca, Mexico at a guiding world centre where I ran sports activities and songs. I’ve never done a prolonged stay like this with so much responsibility though.

3. What's the one thing you’re looking forward to the most?
I am really looking forward to getting involved with Cambodian life and culture. Trying out some of the interesting food is going to be really good. I would say I’m most excited about teaching children the Spice Girls on recorder though!

4. Is there anything you're worried about? Anything you're dreading?
I’m not overly worried about anything- I quite like being sweaty and smelly. To be honest, the only thing that worries me is that I won’t want to come back. It’s going to be such an adventure. There isn't anything i'm dreading, the only thing im worried about is the mosquitos and being able to sleep.

What will you and your team do on a day-to-day basis?

I am in the Music and Arts team and we have got lots of exciting activities planned. We are going to be teaching silly campfire style songs, making tie dye shirts, bracelets, school bags. We will be basically be doing anything really messy and fun, as well as teaching them how to play the recorder and how to read music.

6. Tell us a fun fact about yourself
I believed that unicorns were real until I was about 15 (no joke).

7. What's the one thing about the UK you'll miss the most whilst you're out there?

I’m really going to miss playing my Clarinet while I am there, and my friends and family of course.

Volunteer Profile: Charlotte Humphrey

Name: Charlotte Humphrey
Degree Programme: Biological Sciences
Year of Study: First Year
Hometown: Llangollen

1. So, what made you apply for the Cambodia trip?

When reading about the project all aspects of it appealed to me, I've been wanting to do something like this for so long, this was the perfect opportunity for me to do it. I love experiencing new cultures and seeing different parts of the world, also being able to volunteer at the school and work with the children will be a great opportunity.
2. Have you ever done anything like this before?
I've never done anything like this before which makes the Project that much more exciting!
3. What's the one thing you’re looking forward to the most?
The thing i'm looking forward to the most is being able to work with the children, seeing them learn new things and just being able to help the school.
4. Is there anything you're worried about? Anything you're dreading?

There isn't anything i'm dreading, the only thing im worried about is the mosquitos and being able to sleep!
5. What will you and your team do on a day-to-day basis?
I am part of the sports and games hub so we will be running various activities with the children doing different sports and games
6. Tell us a fun fact about yourself

When I was a baby I never had a dummy.
7. What's the one thing about the UK you'll miss the most whilst you're out there?
Definitely friends and family.

Volunteer Profile: Gabriella Belgrave

Name: Gabriella Belgrave
Degree Programme: Mathematics & Finance
Year of Study: Second Year
Hometown: London

1. So, what made you apply for the Cambodia trip?

When I caught wind of this programme via a friend of mine I thought it was a perfect opportunity, I love teaching and travelling, so I thought why not! It is such a great cause and also a chance to see a completely different part of the world in the process.

2. Have you ever done anything like this before?

I was in Ghana last year teaching Mathematics but I have never done anything for this length of time before.

3. What's the one thing you’re looking forward to the most?

I would say interacting with the children, being able to teach them something while they also teach me something. It would be great if everybody left with skills they never had at the beginning of summer.

4. Is there anything you're worried about? Anything you're dreading?

Probably getting ill and being attacked by mosquitos! I'm packing all kinds of concotions to scare them off though.

5. What will you and your team do on a day-to-day basis?

As the head of teaching hub I will be overseeing what goes on in the classroom, the team will be providing lessons in the evenings to the children, however we have tried not to journey out there with a strict day-to-day lesson plan as we will be catering to their needs which will be easier to do once we know their strengths and weaknesses.

6. Tell us a fun fact about yourself

Riding a camel is my favourite mode of transport.

7. What's the one thing about the UK you'll miss the most whilst you're out there?

Being able to call my family and friends whenever I want to, especially when something exciting happens! 

Volunteer Profile: Chloe Lewis

Name: Chloe Lewis
Degree Programme: Childhood Studies
Year of Study: Final Year
Hometown: Surbiton

1. So, what made you apply for the Cambodia trip?

I have now finished my university degree and it seemed like this trip would be the perfect way to round off my university journey and to do something with my summer which utilised what I have learnt throughout my course and that was beneficial to others.

2. Have you ever done anything like this before?

I’m completely new to this! However volunteering and travelling have been things I’ve been thinking about for a very long time so I’m excited to finally getting the ball rolling.

3. What's the one thing you’re looking forward to the most?

I’m really looking forward to learning about a new culture and seeing all the beautiful temples.

4. Is there anything you're worried about? Anything you're dreading?

I'm actually a really nervous flyer so I can’t say I’m massively excited about the idea of three different flights to reach our destination!

5. What will you and your team do on a day-to-day basis?

I’m part of the ‘teaching hub’ where we will aim to broaden the children’s knowledge of the English language. We hope to do this in the most interactive way possible through the use of games, teamwork and play.

6. Tell us a fun fact about yourself

I once danced ‘the time warp’ with Davina Mccall

7. What's the one thing about the UK you'll miss the most whilst you're out there?

Marmite! And maybe my friends and family…

Volunteer Profile: Helen Hobson

Name: Helen Hobson
Degree Programme: History and Philosophy
Year of Study: Second Year
Hometown: Putney, London

1. So, what made you apply for the Cambodia trip?

The prospect of an exciting new adventure in a far off land I have never been to before, yet always wanted to go to. Volunteering and being part of a great group of people, knowing that it will be a fantastic way to spend my summer.

2. Have you ever done anything like this before?

I have been to Borneo before on a similar trip, but it was no where near as long and the volunteer aspect was mainly physical - building part of a sun bear board walk for example.

3. What's the one thing you’re looking forward to the most?

Meeting many new people, and taking in a new culture.

4. Is there anything you're worried about? Anything you're dreading?

Dreading the mosquitos (hoping my deet pays off) and I'm only worried about getting sick from food or water.

5. What will you and your team do on a day-to-day basis?

We'll be working in Seametrey School helping to educate some of the children, my role revolves around music and art, so hopefully bringing lots of fun to the kids.

6. Tell us a fun fact about yourself

I love to play the ukulele.
7. What's the one thing about the UK you'll miss the most whilst you're out there?
My friends and family for sure.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013


With the deadline looming, and the all important £700 totals nearly completed, it's about time we looked back at all the hard work our volunteers have been putting on over the last 12 weeks. Our amazing team of 9 volunteers, with the guidance of our team leader, have had just 8 weeks to fund-raise a total of £4500 between them (£700 each). It was a huge ask from students who were entering their exam periods and balancing all their other commitments, and they've done absolutely fantastia. It's even more impressive when you take into account the kind of fund raising each volunteer has undertaken, in the name of ethical volunteering, only £100 will go towards their upkeep, £600 will go directly to Seametrey, and all other personal costs (flights, equipment, train tickets, insurance, ect.) will all be funded from their own accounts.

They've been bucket shaking in onesies, waiting tables for friends, singing, dancing, spacehopper-ing, event managing and generally badgering everyone they know in the name a good cause.

Helen Hobson, Kathryn Dowell and Lucy Anderson spent the entire day on spacehoppers, meeting challenges which included consuming fiery chillies.

Here's some pictures of them looking thoroughly unimpressed - all in the name of charity! That's what you get for mixing onion, milk and cinnamon. 

Harriet Jackson has swum the length of the English Channel in the edge, proving all of her doubters (me) wrong and finishing a fantastic feat in the name of the trip.

Harriet, Kirsten and Kat were at it again, this time holding an acoustic night at LS6, which went down fantastically. As well as organising the event, and braiding hair, the girls promoted the trip and the turnout was fantastic, raising a great sum of money and raising awareness of the trip. Kat even found time to perform! Is there anything this girl can't do? 

Thanks to our volunteers, well over £6500 will go towards Seametrey Residential and Bilingual School. As well as going over and working on the space itself, and offering their valuable support and teaching as the school begins to open its doors to the local community, they've also brought in a fantastic sum of money. The donation goes towards an organisation with a sustainable model for improving education in Cambodia, and we're so proud of the girls for all their hard work and fundraising.

If anyone would still like to make a donation, email s.a.imbriano@leeds.ac.uk, to find out more.

Volunteer Profile: Lucy Anderson

Name: Lucy Anderson
Degree Programme: Psychology
Year of Study: First Year
Hometown: Chobham

1. So, what made you apply for the Cambodia trip?

I was looking through the Leeds for Life website when I came across the opportunity. The project really appealed to me as I had missed out on doing a gap year and going traveling which I had always wanted to do. I saw it as a chance to travel and experience a new culture while also helping the community and giving something back.

2. Have you ever done anything like this before?

No, I have never been to this part of the world or been this far away from home before, but it just adds to the excitement.

3. What's the one thing you’re looking forward to the most?

The chance to help and make a difference; I love watching children grow and learn and to be a part of improving education in Cambodia is a privilege.

4. Is there anything you're worried about? Anything you're dreading?
I have never done the whole backpacking experience and I am a bit worried about the sleeping arrangements. I love my bed so I think I will struggle at first to get used to sleeping in the heat and around the mosquitos. At the same time I’m sure it will be a humbling experience and it will make me appreciate what I have at home!

5. What will you and your team do on a day-to-day basis?

I am in the Arts and Music Hub so we will be responsible for the creative side of the children’s education. I hope we can really get stuck in and get the children involved in a range of activities from painting, drawing, singing and dancing. We also plan to get the children to work on costumes and songs and then to put on a carnival at the end of our trip. It will be something to work towards and a good way to wrap up our time there.

6. Tell us a fun fact about yourself

I have Grade 7 in singing and I’ve been Sandy in Grease twice.

7. What's the one thing about the UK you'll miss the most whilst you're out there?

My family and friends, I went to boarding school so I hope being home sick won’t be too much of a problem, but at the same time I know that it’s inevitable that there will be times when I will miss everyone at home a lot. But you know what they say; distance makes the heart grow fonder!

And so it begins

Our team Leader Sophie jetted of to Cambodia on Monday, ready to acclimatise and make the final arrangements for our team of volunteers!

Sophie is an experienced international volunteer, she has fundraised thousands of pounds for a project in India on behalf of the Girl Guides, and has worked in Cambodia for a year, volunteering at Seametrey Children's Village in Phnom Penh. Sophie has a great working relationship with Muoy You and the Seametrey NGO, and so was the perfect choice to lead our volunteers out to work on Seametrey's new project, the Seametrey Residential and Bilingual School (SRBS).

Sophie has just completed the second year of her English and Philosophy degree, and is about to embark on a year out before her third year to live and work in Paris. She has been working as a Leeds for Life ambassador since September, and is has also been heavily involved in the Leeds Debating Union, of which she is the outgoing Director of Membership. Fun fact about Sophie: she's still a fan of S Club 7.

Bon voyage Sophie! We'll see you out there.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013



This is the blog page for the Cambodia Project 2013, a pilot scheme offered by the University of Leeds. This summer, ten students (including myself) will be going to Cambodia to help in a newly built school in Tonle Bati - a province south of the capital of Phnom Penh. 

We will all be contributing to this blog and will sign in accordingly. 

