About Us

Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Hello! We are a team of volunteers for the University of Leeds. This summer we'll be embarking on a project in Tonle Bati, Cambodia, spending two months in rural Cambodia, volunteering at the Seametrey Bilingual and Residential School, the first of its kind in Cambodia. The trip is the first international volunteering project the University has carried out. We'll be using this blog to follow the trials and tribulations of the coming months, and to give you a taste of our Cambodian experience. If you want to volunteer with the University, visit the new volunteering hub at http://volunteering.leeds.ac.uk, We'd also like to thank all of our supporters; we'd encourage you to take a moment to give them a look by clicking on their logos to the right of this page. Thank you to Santander Universities, TD Travel Group, the University of Leeds and Leeds for Life, who has all offered valuable financial and professional support to this fantastic project. The views expressed in this blog post are not necessarily that of the University of Leeds or the project's supporters, they are the views of the Leeds-Cambodia team.

Friday, 28 June 2013

Volunteer Profile: Chloe Lewis

Name: Chloe Lewis
Degree Programme: Childhood Studies
Year of Study: Final Year
Hometown: Surbiton

1. So, what made you apply for the Cambodia trip?

I have now finished my university degree and it seemed like this trip would be the perfect way to round off my university journey and to do something with my summer which utilised what I have learnt throughout my course and that was beneficial to others.

2. Have you ever done anything like this before?

I’m completely new to this! However volunteering and travelling have been things I’ve been thinking about for a very long time so I’m excited to finally getting the ball rolling.

3. What's the one thing you’re looking forward to the most?

I’m really looking forward to learning about a new culture and seeing all the beautiful temples.

4. Is there anything you're worried about? Anything you're dreading?

I'm actually a really nervous flyer so I can’t say I’m massively excited about the idea of three different flights to reach our destination!

5. What will you and your team do on a day-to-day basis?

I’m part of the ‘teaching hub’ where we will aim to broaden the children’s knowledge of the English language. We hope to do this in the most interactive way possible through the use of games, teamwork and play.

6. Tell us a fun fact about yourself

I once danced ‘the time warp’ with Davina Mccall

7. What's the one thing about the UK you'll miss the most whilst you're out there?

Marmite! And maybe my friends and family…

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