With the deadline looming, and the all important £700 totals nearly completed, it's about time we looked back at all the hard work our volunteers have been putting on over the last 12 weeks. Our amazing team of 9 volunteers, with the guidance of our team leader, have had just 8 weeks to fund-raise a total of £4500 between them (£700 each). It was a huge ask from students who were entering their exam periods and balancing all their other commitments, and they've done absolutely fantastia. It's even more impressive when you take into account the kind of fund raising each volunteer has undertaken, in the name of ethical volunteering, only £100 will go towards their upkeep, £600 will go directly to Seametrey, and all other personal costs (flights, equipment, train tickets, insurance, ect.) will all be funded from their own accounts.
They've been bucket shaking in onesies, waiting tables for friends, singing, dancing, spacehopper-ing, event managing and generally badgering everyone they know in the name a good cause.
Helen Hobson, Kathryn Dowell and Lucy Anderson spent the entire day on spacehoppers, meeting challenges which included consuming fiery chillies.
Here's some pictures of them looking thoroughly unimpressed - all in the name of charity! That's what you get for mixing onion, milk and cinnamon.
Harriet Jackson has swum the length of the English Channel in the edge, proving all of her doubters (me) wrong and finishing a fantastic feat in the name of the trip.
Harriet, Kirsten and Kat were at it again, this time holding an acoustic night at LS6, which went down fantastically. As well as organising the event, and braiding hair, the girls promoted the trip and the turnout was fantastic, raising a great sum of money and raising awareness of the trip. Kat even found time to perform! Is there anything this girl can't do?
Thanks to our volunteers, well over £6500 will go towards Seametrey Residential and Bilingual School. As well as going over and working on the space itself, and offering their valuable support and teaching as the school begins to open its doors to the local community, they've also brought in a fantastic sum of money. The donation goes towards an organisation with a sustainable model for improving education in Cambodia, and we're so proud of the girls for all their hard work and fundraising.
If anyone would still like to make a donation, email s.a.imbriano@leeds.ac.uk, to find out more.
About Us
- CamFam
- Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
- Hello! We are a team of volunteers for the University of Leeds. This summer we'll be embarking on a project in Tonle Bati, Cambodia, spending two months in rural Cambodia, volunteering at the Seametrey Bilingual and Residential School, the first of its kind in Cambodia. The trip is the first international volunteering project the University has carried out. We'll be using this blog to follow the trials and tribulations of the coming months, and to give you a taste of our Cambodian experience. If you want to volunteer with the University, visit the new volunteering hub at http://volunteering.leeds.ac.uk, We'd also like to thank all of our supporters; we'd encourage you to take a moment to give them a look by clicking on their logos to the right of this page. Thank you to Santander Universities, TD Travel Group, the University of Leeds and Leeds for Life, who has all offered valuable financial and professional support to this fantastic project. The views expressed in this blog post are not necessarily that of the University of Leeds or the project's supporters, they are the views of the Leeds-Cambodia team.
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